
Postcards from Paris: {Keeping Cool}

Practicalities like working shutters makes sense.
The obvious point is for privacy, and another point that caused an "oh duh" from my American lips was to keep these lovely, unair-conditioned Parisian apartments on hot-weathered days, cool.
It's rather simple, the window opens for circulation, and the shutters close for shade. I've made remarks on French traditions before, and it's something that I am rather drawn to. The tradition of an entree, the main course, cheese, and then dessert. Or simple enough, eating seasonal. Dried fruits and nuts in the Winter, we ate strawberries in May, and now the fruit stands are filled with the loveliest, healthiest looking cherries.
It's been a few weeks now since I've taken on some au pair responsibilities, and these little practicalities have surfaced making me think, "oh duh"
Sometimes aloud.
As for the heated days in the city, I am happy to have learned that shutters make sense.

1 comment:

Holly said...

All of these Parisian post cards make me anxious to go back. Also I visited Savannah last week and can't quit talking about The Paris Market...you could always put one in Austin! :)