
Postcards from Paris: {L'élégance du hérisson, and a parallel wonderment}

 Though it has been out for sometime, I have been recently inspired and anxiously looking forward to getting my hands on a French version of L'élégance du hérisson.
I think about the guardienne in my building and the possible secrets she may be withholding from the people she delivers their mail to, the people she sees from day to day. 
I wonder about the possibilities, but feel perfectly at ease with the thought that I may never really know. I could leave my building with these continuing curious assumptions and never say anything more to her than a mere "Bonjour" or "merci" for holding the door open, but the thought that she has more on her mind than delivering addressed envelopes or taking out the trash fills me with unpursuing ambition.

I have yet to read an actual novel in French.
I have Le Petit Prince crossed off my list, and various titles of children's book which I can say that I have fully comprehended, the pictures help. With my list of New Year's resolutions being compiled,  I am up for a new challenge. There is comfort knowing that the movie looks like a well-done representation in the case that I need a subtitled reference.

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