
Writer in the Window Update

For those who haven't guessed, I have gone from being The Writer in the Window 
to The Writer in The Paris Market. I'll be blogging here about all the amazing and
creative things that go on here everyday - so many of them behind the scenes!

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My other news is that I got a serious upgrade this past weekend. 
Those formidable elves at Paris Market gave me an even more deluxe space and 
I went from having  pretty nice sized chalkboard to post my ramblings to a super 
huge display with some stellar signage to boot. Thanks Paris Market!

I’ll be here this last week in April (the 25th -29th from 10am - 6pm) for one last encore!  
So come check it out, before I disappear for good.

Ask me esoteric questions, give me topics to write about or make any special 
requests suited for a Paris Market Scribe. 

À bientôt!

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