

beauty as function

I was ringing on the floor one day when one of our regular customers commented that The Paris Market was her happiness store. She said that whenever she’s down she comes in for a little bit and instantly perks up. And that made us happy! We love to dream and create and make it a happy day.
And that reminded me of the Industrial Designer, Tucker Viemeister.

He coined the term “Beautility”, to give a word to the concept that independent of a utilitarian function, beautiful things serve their own psychological and emotional purpose; and an object which brings you joy is just as high, if not higher of a function than a purely utilitarian one.  
So, feel free to appreciate things that are “only” beautiful, even if they don’t “do” anything.
Their beauty alone makes them worth their salt.
To demonstrate this concept, I’ve sent in the clowns: 

Beautiful, aren't they?


  1. So agree! I can't wait to shop in person, when I move to LOVELY Savannah in August

  2. wow, how exciting! You will love it here - its basically Camelot. Lush greenery, sunshine everyday, good food, good people...

  3. Wow, I love those those clowns!
