
Postcards from Paris: {Le "je t'aime" Mur}

'Tis the season of travel, and with the many tourists in town my ears ring with complete comprehension. I expressed to a fellow American how I actually don't find much comfort in hearing English on the streets of Paris. In response he said that he just pretends it's French he hears and understands it completely.
I've taken on that concept as my own, if only it worked the same with conversation.
As for the French language, things are developing just as they should be, and as for the diversity of languages travelling through Paris I do enjoy the game of placement. It's not only English I hear, but Italian, Russian, Spanish, Mandarin, etc. In the spirit of the subject, I take you to the wall of many "I love you's" located right off from the metro stop Abbesses. Each time I have come to this little spot of international effection, the sun light speckles through the leaves, there are always pigeons on the ledge, and there is always muffled conversations in some language I don't understand, along with photographs snapped of smiling travellers standing next to, or pointing at, the written phrase which matches their spoken language.
It's amazing that each time I think of someplace else to live, my love for this city resurfaces. That's what love does I suppose. So I lieu of love and of Paris, enjoy this little clip from my friend.

For more, click "here"
P.S. Remember this Sunday to tell the mums in your life you love them, be it in French, Spanish, English etc.

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