
Postcards from Paris: {Quaint Qualities of Ukraine}

The reason for my trip to Ukraine was for a dear friend's wedding. We celebrated the reunion at an open-air museum where Ukranian tradition was emphasized by it's charming details. There was a gypsy festival occuring alongside the festival we called our own. We had a moment where both groups blended together while we all danced to music playing from a dock, which sat on a lake surrounded by lily-pads. Windmills and small, white-stucco huts with straw roofs were scattered about. Each hut was assembled in the way it was set-up originally. Cute Ukranian girls wearing folk-dress told us the stories and traditions associated with their culture. They smiled as they spoke in their broken english. And I complimented their accent. We all sat, danced, and ate for hours. Everytime someone would say they were full, the answer always seemed to be, "but there is so much more."
And it didn't only pertain to the food.


  1. What delightful pictures. These people seem so cheerful. So full of life!Not gray and glum like too many Americans in this gray and glum time.

  2. Beautiful photos! I can see why/how you really enjoyed your visit to this little known country...very charming. It's as though they're from another century.
