
Bookmarked - Baggage

The child in us is going crazy for our newest children's book arrival, Baggage. From the MoMA collection, this little book packs a powerful illustrated punch with a history us grown-ups can admire.

First published in Russia in 1926, Baggage dates from a golden age of the modern children's book as it was transformed by the avant-garde thought of the early twentieth century. Written by Samuil Marshak and illustrated by Vladimir Lebedev, the book was intended for the widest possible audience and became enormously popular, going into many editions and revisions.

It is published here in facsimile, in a new translation by Jamey Gambrell, and with an afterword by Sarah Suzuki, an Associate Curator at The Museum of Modern Art. Designed after the Russian Revolution for the youth of an idealistically imagined new society, this tale of a woman, her luggage, and her dog will still delight the children of today.

Pick up your own copy, now available at The Paris Market. A perfect size for those traveling down-times with an adventure tale to match.

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