
Postcards from Paris: { The Smith's Bakery}

Just like a sombre song by The Smiths, this spring has been grey; London grey; which has inspired an indulgence at a delightful English-spirited boulangerie, The Smith’s Bakery on rue de buci. There is a saying in French, ‘En Avril, ne te découvre pas d’un fil, et en Mai, fais ce qu’il te plaît‘: In April, don’t undress to a thread, but in May, dress as you please. Even though we’re in May no one can escape not wearing a coat which for many, including myself, results in the lingering winter diet of allowances. Though the French are strict in following the rule of moderation; I can’t speak for the English, but after an afternoon gouter of canelé and beignets amongst other delicious English and French sweets accompanied by many English and French diners one can let go of the idea of moderation and of a warm spring, and escape the grey sky with a little sugar in hand.

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