
The Perfect Loaf

Be prepared to bake a perfect artisan bread in your home! The Paris Market would like to introduce you to our new signature bread mix, Herbes de Provence Boule.

Last Friday, after a long week at the store, I woke up thirty minutes before everybody else. I mixed the bread mix with water, put it in a bowl and let it rise all day.

My day was going along and just like the dough, my excitement was rising.

I made a stop at a local grocery store, bought an amazing palette of french cheese, picked up some treasures and headed home for the last project of my week! It took me 45 minutes to have in my hands a perfect artisan bread, just like the best bakeries in France, but made by me. INCROYABLE!

It was an honor to share this beautiful bread with my friend. Simply a happy moment!

À bientôt,

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