
Spongebob Squarepants in Savannah

In case you haven't already heard the news, Spongebob Squarepants is coming to Savannah! Set to film in the next couple of weeks, the word around town is Broughton Street, which is located in heart of Savannah's historic district, will be the stage and backdrop for a grand scene in the upcoming film Spongebob Squarepants 2. Taking a walk down Broughton street it's amazing to see the transformation that has been taking place in preparation for the big movie. Buildings that had been abandoned and colorless for years now look excitingly fresh and inviting as they are being painted one by one in bold primary colors. With new signage going up everyday, and being able to watch Broughton Street continue to transform into Salty Shoals, downtown Savannah looks and feels more vibrant than ever and our excitement to see Savannah on the big screen only intensifies with each fresh coat of paint. 

Enjoy a few photos of some of our favorite new buildings!

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