
Postcards from Paris: { p h o t o r o l l }

After finally signing along to instagram I now have a collection of photos from my Paris strolls. They don't really tie together with a specific topic, other than they are all shots from Paris. Rather than only keep them for my personal account I wanted to share them all with you.
It's such a lovely opportunity to be a blogger. Though there are times when one feels burdened by self-expectations to be both a skilled photographer and charming writer,  other than that it allows to view one's surroundings with it's full potential.
Instead of letting January-blues bring me down, my eyes are opened for opportunities to find something interesting and out of the ordinary. A simple scene that sets itself apart from my routine can make a moment interesting, and I can view my favorite city where I get to live through the eyes of an explorer, a discoverer, and an optimist.


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