
Postcards from Paris: { Holybelly en févier }

February is here as winter moves along, still grey with some blue patched skies as surprises every now and then. The best thing to have when it is cold outside is somewhere to go that is warm, cozy, and delicious. Holybelly has become the place to be to those Kinfolk followers in Paris. After being featured on the site as a Paris-go-to, I had to check it out for myself. It's minimalistic interior design doesn't come off as too stark or cold, and cozy comforting elements still reside. I wish I had discovered Holybelly beforehand, but I am happy to add it to my list for those frigid moments when strolls through the city become a bit to froid.
There have been a stream of interesting openings in Paris as far as the cafe scene. So it seems, though I prefer my chocolate chaud, that the coffee has never really been top-quality in the city filled with cafes. This was told to me himself by David Lebovitz in writing, and ever since reading it I've noticed here and there little changes being made like Coutume Cafe and this here Holybelly. The most comforting thing is that Parisians are grasping onto the idea for new and innovative, and it seems we're getting our cafe-scene back with a refreshing, yet cozy for the winter, new athesitic.

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