
Well-Equipped: Outdoor Excursion Edition

Now that the weather finally feels like spring, we can't help but feel the itch to take a day to go outdoors and explore the wilderness. For us, there's nothing as refreshing and invigorating as rediscovering our natural surroundings. Each day we see the trees blossoming more beautifully than the last and to hear the birds chirping early in the morning is as true of a sign as any that spring is here to stay. Whether you're taking a day trip to go hiking or if you're planning an overnight excursion there are a few essential items one should never leave civilization without. Today we've packed a handy kit for all your basic wilderness exploration needs. With essential items like a pocket knife, matches, flower guide and traveler's notebook, you can rest assured you will be well equipped on your day of exploring. Stop by soon and pick out your excursion essentials and go explore!

Available at The Paris Market.

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