Eleven years ago my husband and I traveled to Australia – furthest place we could go with all our saved up frequent flyer miles – to elope to the perfect paradise of Hayman Island. He was finishing residency, I was working three jobs, and doing research on the side – we had no money, but we had love and thus we were invincible (or is that irrational?). What a trip. I highly recommend foregoing the typical overdone wedding in favor of splurging the entire fortune on you and your honey! We called our parents the day of the wedding, went shopping for a cheap dress, shoes and suit, and bought a pair of silver rings (my husband called them training rings – he was so scared he would lose his).
We had to fly in a magistrate from a neighboring island, wrote our own vows, had hotel staff (our new best friends) for witnesses, and had a fantastically humble wedding on the beach,
Why am I telling you all this? Well, we were so worn out (and incredibly sunburned) from our impromtu island wedding that when we returned to Melbourne we needed some major revitalization. On the way to Australia, I think I read every magazine in the world. Nothing like traveling fourteen hours jam packed in coach. I came across this article in an Australian fashion magazine about the best product for that time (and in my opinion for all times) - Primrose Facial Hydrating Cream -the high priestess of hydrating creams as Aesop likes to call it. Apparently all the Australian films stars were enamored with this product line (including the perfect Nicole Kidman). This product was unknown to us so I dragged my husband high and low through Melbourne on the hunt. We finally found it. Aesop was green before green was a concept. Aesop does not subscribe to mainstream cosmetic practices and claims of anti-aging, promises of youth and distorted ideals of beauty. Aesop believes that external beauty is ultimately the result of a healthy attitude, diet, and moderate exercise and consistent physical attention to, and protection of, the skin. I bought a couple of products. My husband, the doctor, and thus always the naysayer of any cosmetic claim, was apparently satisfied by the package insert, and decided to participate in my beauty night (he’s my best girlfriend). Actually, I think he was just so sunburned that he was willing to try anything..
So here we are, eleven years later and I finally had the opportunity to bring Aesop to Savannah. This company has evolved into something even better over the years. Start the New Year right. Our new in-store apothecary has a multitude of lines to improve your appearance, but Aesop certainly is our finest coup.