Ahh, Savannah in the spring. The almost schizophrenic color of azaleas, dogwoods, redbud's, and cherry trees has climaxed, the majestic oaks have erupted with new leaves, and the intoxicating scent of jasmine and honeysuckle is everywhere. The green of spring is unlike any other green in the color spectrum. My beloved, but not-too-smart dove family, has again setup a nest in the palm tree outside my back porch – perfectly situated at eye level – and the chimney sweeps have taken roost in our fireplace. We are currently enjoying the month before the oppressive humidity and bloodthirsty gnats turn outdoors into a drippy, slappy, feeding frenzy.
As spring turns to summer, Savannah heads to the beach. Tybee Island starts to hum – the redneck Riviera beckons. One can walk for miles along the wide sandy beach picking up odds and ends. For some reason, I have always been fascinated with specimens of nature. A simple walk in the sand turns into a treasure hunt for artifacts ranging from sand dollars, shells, and starfish, to shark’s teeth and the occasional boney remains of anonymous sea life.
I have sand and surf remnants from the various beaches of our travels, collected and hand labeled like priceless finds from archaeological digs. These glass canisters serve to remind me of the cool surf and even cooler locals (Hayman, Alexandria, Mumbai, Cannes, Seaside, etc).
I have searched far and wide for unique sources of sea-life. In the constant effort to maintain “green” values, the sources must comply with strict environmental guidelines. This year I think I have outdone myself. The beauty of nature cannot be replicated; the intricacy is confounding, yet the simplicity is astounding. These artifacts will establish a degree of elegance to any home.

It is also my pleasure to introduce the fantastic works of a local artist. Combining original statuary with shell remnants, a fantastical, organic masterpiece is created. Stop by the store or visit us online – I want you to share to experience.