Twice a year Round Top, Texas – population 77, explodes into a flea market bonanza of epic proportions. Highbrow antique dealers intermingle with lowbrow farmers selling their wares ranging from exquisite European masterpieces to pots, pans and pictures dug up from the church attic. Spread out along a byway in the middle of nowhere Texas, this sprawling market encompasses dozens of smaller collections of every collectable imaginable. Require that last Hummel figurine to round out grandma’s collection, or perhaps a vintage stone fireplace mantle from the Black Forest, no problem, it’s here.
Initially overwhelming but never intimidating this is the perfect time of the year for Texas. The fields are covered in wildflowers, the sun is warm and not too high in the sky, the small towns are ooh-so-cute and everyone is so syrupy friendly you think you just landed in some charming southern fairytale (although in this fairytale everyone has a holstered weapon and a mag-wheeled SUV!).
So put down that skeet rifle, take off your boots, loosen your belt buckle and prepare to be wowed.