Come on in and get your taste of the good life!
Yes, it's raining, but don't lose heart, February showers bring flowers all year long here in Savannah! Which reminds me to tell you about our new and expanding Garden section of the website. Go check it out if you haven't already. We'll be adding more things to it this week, so let us know what we're missing.
I was thinking today, Wouldn't it be nice if we could magically transport ourselves to whatever garden we needed that day? Or maybe to see a new garden each day and really take it in. It would be like a "Jardin du jour". and we could take in the rest and the quiet, and feel renewed once more. Gardens are such a beautiful respite from our indoor lives with our little machines and tiny gadgets and little slips of paper reminding us of small things. Ugh. Having a garden in the sunshiney south has got to be one of the greatest joys there can be. All the colorful blooms you can have! And for so long! If container gardening or indoor plants is more your thing you can check out this post here. We usually have some lovely orchids in the store that Holley Jaakkola cultivates - which we love. We have a lot of public and private gardens right here in Savannah. From Forsyth Park to the beautiful squares, to little gems of courtyards with climbing vines and fountains tucked inbetween houses. You have only to walk around town to have garden envy or at least steal some ideas. We love our gardens! And so do the French. Alors, I bring you The Gardens of France!
You can do more with paper than read it, recycle it and use it for kitty litter. Of course there is Origami and Kiragami, and wrapping presents, but what about when the paper is so lovely you'd rather not fold it into a grasshopper? Or when you'd like to see it everyday and savor it. Well, you could put it on your wall of course..., but I currently rent and I'd rather fix up what I acutally own... So, I just covered the insides of two little bedside tables I have. The bottoms were a little rough, and they were starting to snag up some of my delicates, like my stockings and bathing suits, so I cut some of my favorite paper to size and because these drawers are annoying and have stoppers, I used double sided tape (Alvin-good stuff!) instead of spray mount. spray mount would have gotten tacky and hard to position since I couldn't take the drawer clear out and I might have ripped the paper. Although rubber cement might have been a good option too. So voila:
I ripped this out of Elle Decor, the map paper on the room divider is awesome. There is something about that "map ocean blue" color that is just perfect.
Bonjour mes amis! Today I bring you what the market adventures from last weekend have wrought! A few snapshots:
Sometimes you just need a few touches to kindle the romance in a room. You can take a closer look at all these items on our website too. I really love all of these pieces; I'd love to stuff all the books I intend to read in the wooden alter piece below and curl up in the velvet pillows. Just the shape of the perfume bottle on the server brings a touch of elegance and makes me happy. Scroll down for links.
1. Edgecliff Sectional, 2. Pink Velvet Pillows, 3. Notes Decoupage Glass Tray, 4. Paris Decoupage Glass Plate, 5. Mercury Glass Ripple Lamp, 6. Brigitte Eau de Parfum 7. Gray Server, 8. Elliott Erwitts' "Paris" 9. Alter Piece, 10. Orange Velvet Chair, 11. Perfume Box