Who tells the little dear mousewhen summer goes awaythat she should fix a cozy place,a comfy place to stay,and fill her cupboard shelves with seedsfrom berries, weeds, and hay?
from Dear Mouse by Aileen Fisher

It was a race against time and pesky colds, but the new windows are up and looking spectacular. Kelsey and Shelby always do such a great job and this window is especially endearing. Shelby created the papier-mâché pumpkin house and Kelsey made all those cute little critters to live in it. Come by and take a look!

Things are really starting to heat up. Holiday time is officially here -after Halloween there's no fighting it - and in addition to a daily dose of new arrivals to be unboxed, fawned over and then put out on the floor, there are also more projects beginning just about everyday. I don't have any specific projects going on right now, so my plan is to make a "stay well" kit to keep by my desk for everyone. You know, like Airborne, Vitamin C, Green Tea, tissues, etc. Everyone is already swatting away colds to stay in the game, so I gotta keep the team en bonne sante. Any suggestions for the kit?