
The Incredible Egg Tree!

So its Friday and we are heading into weekend.
Easter is in 8 days! I thought this would really get us into the spirit:

The Easter Egg Tree of Volker Kraft in Germany.


So Gorgeous!!

...and fun for big grands and little grands:
photos by AP via Daylife

Happy Egg Decorating! I hope this gets you into the spirit and you can get an egg tree going like this guy. so cool. Definitely on my list!

Here's his official site: Volker Kraft


Breakfast with Kate

What's breakfast like for a petite Franco-Americaine like Kate? Simply Delicious.

For my breakfast I like to eat tartine. Tartine is a french word for toast with butter and jam. Strawberry jam is my favorite (moi aussi, Kate!)  

Here is my family recipe:

First, wash two punnets (Queen's English for basket) of strawberries,
and cut them in quarters. 

Then put the strawberries in a saucepan and add 280 grams of sugar.

Cook slowly at low heat for 45 minutes and stir often.


The jam is ready when it drips very slowly from the wooden spoon. Last, pour the jam in a glass jar, and let it cool down before refrigerating.

I enjoy my tartine in the morning before school with my lait au chocolat.

Au revoir mes amis!

 Thanks Kate! 
Text by Kate Brassard, photos by Isabelle Brassard and Lily Lewin

And so apropos, we just got in a new shipment of these canning jars earlier this week -perfect for jams and jellies and all that good stuff!

Ah the good life. Bottle it while you can.


Easter Windows

Nous sommes prêt pour la fête!

Take a look at our fabulous windows for Easter this year! We are really busy at this time, so while Kelsey and Shelby charged ahead with Christina, Jessie and Megan also pitched in for some "au pair" work.

 Joyeuses Paques!


T is for Taxidermy!

Taxidermy is the art and skill of taking an animal skin and stuffing it to create a new near life-like presence. It requires all sorts of skills in sculpture, painting and general savoire-faire in the arts. The end result is sort of haunting to me - because its like a "ghost" you can touch. It warps my world view of the universe a little bit. But a lot of people really like it, like almost everyone here at Paris Market. I admit it can be cool, how close can you normally get to a Polar Bear or a Fox or a Wild Boar. And it does make me appreciate the spirit of the animal, the animating principle. And of course we used to have this little stuffed coyote in the store wearing a dog rescue vest from Germany that was totally adorable and it didn't bother me in the least. In fact I took a real shine to him. Perhaps that is what separates the comme ci, comme ca taxidermist from the Master Taxidermist. Can you impart life back into it? Can you somehow capture the essence of the animal by the glimmer you put back in its eye? If you can it's not creepy at all. It's actually quite nice. Check out some of what the Danyluks found in shops in France, a taxidermic hotspot. And what Reba found in Paris at Deyrolle. And check out what we have in the store right now: (we used to have a wild boar's head (no joke) but Kelsey snatched it up.) You have to be quick around here!




Just wanted to remind everyone that many of the shops along Broughton Street, ahem - like yours truly of course, will be open late the first Friday of every month. Till 9 pm. Great news for us working girls who can get out to browse and buy after we make the bacon. Speaking of bacon...
This first Friday in April (April 6th) we will be having an EGG-STRAVAGANZA! This is going to be fun. When you check out at the register you will be able to pick an egg, crack it open and see what surprises are waiting for you inside. We will be having coupons to our store and others, and there is one golden ticket for a cute little spring gift! There may be some rotten eggs in the bunch so you'll have to get a little lucky besides. Ha! No probably not, I don't think we would do that to you. Bring your friends, bring your kids and have a little fun the Friday before Easter!
 top photo: jennsadventures bottom photo: Martha


Spring has Sprung: Our Spring Essentials

 Our list of what we HAVE to do this spring:

"I'm looking forward to cooking fresh vegetables from Farmbox. And enjoying walks in the evening."
"A new bathing suit, bug spray, sunscreen, and I am looking forward to making Shenandoah Blueberry Cake with fresh Georgia blueberries, so good!"
"Getting my pool ready! Hopefully no cute little critters will try to go for a swim."
 "Gardening Gloves, multiple trips to the garden center and Claritin D non-drowsy 24 hour."
"A Pedicure, new sandals, and getting out in the garden."

 "Sipping fresh rosé in my garden!"

"Some real springtime nest building actually - getting the baby's room ready!"

Happy Spring from The Paris Market!
 What's on your list of spring essentials?


Shop this Painting: Tea with Matisse

The azaleas are in full bloom and the forecast is full sunshine ahead. Happy first day of Spring! I came across this painting the other day and it seemed like the perfect springtime scene. Two ladies at leisure, enjoying drinks and the fair weather. -the dog casually scratching his ear, and the foliage rendered both specifically -the ivy and ferns, and also in more general swathes of green. I think what really does it for me is those little puddles of sunshine on the path. Light makes paintings seem like they are really happening. Matisse always seems to do this right. Of course he did say that a good painting should be like sinking into a comfortable armchair. Ah...enjoy the nice weather!

Tea (1919)by Matisse, oil on canvas 55 1/4 in. x 83 1/4 in.

Shop this painting:

okay, I didn't see any french marigolds in the painting either,

but they would fit right in!


It's a sin to kill a mockingbird

but this little guy, nesting right outside my bedroom window, has been keeping me up all night long.
It's quite charming at 1 or 2 in the morning when it's still nice out, perfectly calm and balmy and you can talk and drink and make plans and you don't want to go to bed anyway. But at 4 or 5 am you want it to end. Still, I count myself lucky to be able to hear one in the wee hours. It's a special case, and one of the great things about our diverse country. I never heard what the mockingbird sounded like until now. And being a night owl I can relate to more activity when all is dark. Its nice to have a friend up with you. I don't get up early in the morning greeting the day with a skip in my step. The first rousing wind comes for me at 10:00 pm and I'm ready to go. No second wind exists, unless it involves a special rosé from France. So, here's to the Mockingbird! the musical rainbows of avian life, incorporating many tunes into one. And one of my favorite books of all time.

Top left is a first edition, bottom right
is the copy I have, which for me really captures
the haunting beauty and magic of the story.


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Well, its that time of year again. On my way into work I saw tourists trickling into town, walking with their dogs in green bandannas and trailing their suitcases behind them. People are still sober, but that will all change tonight when crazies start setting up camp in the medians of the parade route. So raise a glass, enjoy the open container policy we all know and love and have a good time this weekend! As my Dad likes to say about good times, "Enjoy them while you can." By the way, we're not open tomorrow, but here's to sad love songs, happy war cries, and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow bag!

 From left to right: Moss Ball for all that green, Liqueur and Limonade Pillow (parfait for today), baby bathtub for all that gin, knitted doll (queen of the leprechauns perhaps?) suitcases for traveling far from the cold and the damp, rainbow bag for all that gold.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! and all that craic.


Fresh Cuts: Papier du Jour et Nuit

A nice batch of new office type papers and accoutrements just arrived. Some of these are really fun and will perk up your desk with that little bit of sunshine. (rainbow stickies) Others, like these lovely pink notecards are perfect for an elegant thank you or for an urgen inquiry that more money be added to your account. (not appropriate for sending the rent check.)  For the overly anxious, I would steer clear of this clever but ennervating giant to-do pad. But if you are at ease with yourself, your surroundings and the constraints of the 24 hour day, then by all means jump right in and proudly own this to do list on your desk with your morning coffee or evening espresso. Also these little cards are cute, nice to leave for your lover, jot down those ideas that always get lost, or start dreaming for "someday". Cheers.


Coming Soon: Framed Feathers

I'm really excited about what's about to go out on the floor this week. These colorful feathers in rustic wooden frames are simply beautiful.



A Crafters Guide: Terrariums

With spring fast approaching I have been taken over with garden fever!
My thumbs have involuntarily turned green and I have begun planning a plant overhaul in my home. I love succulents! They are easy maintenance for you plant murders out there and come in a variety of shapes and colors! One of the most eye catching and swoon worthy succulent display is the Terrarium. It's no secret that the Terrarium has made its mark in the design world and this week we will be bowing down to these little plant houses and sharing an easy how to!

* When buying supplies it is important to note the amount you will need for only one terrarium is very minimal. Try planning to make multiples or have a flock of friends over for a terrarium making party! That way you won't waste your supplies and can spread the gift with other green thumbs!

Once you've chosen your container, fill it in 1 inch increments. Gravel first, then moss, then soil. By doing this you are creating a filtering system for the plants excess water. Succulents don't need a lot of water, which makes them easy to care for.

Using your hands, make a small indent in the soil where you are placing your plant. Remove each succulent from its pot, gently loosing the roots with your fingers, and place them in there ready made home. Be mindful that you need to plant your succulents at least an inch and a half to two inches apart from each other.
 No one likes a clingy room mate.

Carefully surround your newly planted succulents with gravel. Use your creativity to make your terrarium unique. Try adding dried branches, shells, or toy animals. 
This is also a great project to involve little ones!

Terrarium Care Tips
- water once a week
- A word about water: Tap water often contain high concentration of dissolved minerals. Such minerals can build up in the plant's soil over time, causing harm. When watering your succulents, try using distilled or rain water. 
 - keep your terrarium out of direct sunlight
- if living in a humid climate, try mixing charcoal with your base layer of gravel. This will help prevent the growth of bacteria and mold. 

Now share the succulent love and plant a terrarium of your very own!
Stay tuned for more spring time craft projects, and be sure to stop by my own corner of the web world for additional how tos and an extra dose of vintage love!