As a lead up to Mother's Day - this Sunday (!!) I wanted to celebrate the wisdom of Mom. What makes them so wise? Well they have a lot of marks to meet (important marks) in a short of amount of time, usually on budgets. So they have a special brand of efficiency. Naturally, I asked my fellow Paris Marketeers what words their mother's had to guide them through life.
Michele told me she was hatched, and no one else can quite remember anything that memorable their mom said. You know, favorably memorable, that is. Is it disheartening, Moms, that no one is listening? or extremely liberating? As number 3 in the lineup, I think my mom thought I wasn't listening, but I was. I heard every witty, quippy thing she said in my earshot. But the prize goes to Isabel, she had the nicest answer, with her mom telling her:
"You never make your kids for yourself. You have to let them go. They don't belong to you. My mom, she never judged my decisions. One day I will have to let Kate go and I'm prepared for this and I have my mom to thank for it.
My mom said a lot of funny things, mostly commentary on the absurdity of life, and for which context is needed and probably not blog appropriate, but I do remember after college when I wanted to roam around Europe for a few weeks and none of my friends were free to be my travel buddy, I asked her if I should just wait until people could come with me. Even though I'm sure it freaked her out that I would be traveling alone, she told me that I should go when I had the chance, because I might not have the chance later. So I went. And then one week into the first leg of my trip in Ireland when I got the flu and thought about coming home, she told me I should just stay and get better because I would probably regret coming home so early and missing out. So, I left Inishmore two days later for Dublin, hopped on RyanAir and let my lungs dry out in France. It was a perfect solution. See mom, I was listening!

What did your mom tell you?
Assuming you were listening, of course.
1 comment:
You are right: There is no one like a Mom! But it takes a child to make her one. You will soon find out.
Wish I could remember a tenth of what I or anyone else said.
Love the knit dollies. I think I see a friend for Annabelle, the languid bunny.
A Mom
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